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Students Grievance Redressal Committee




         The Students Grievance Redressal Committee is formed to create a platform to express students problems regarding academic and non-academic matters. The committee will look into the grievance lodged by the students. The students may approach the committee to voice their grievances regarding the educational environment and other related issues. In addition, the students can express their satisfaction and suggestions to improve the services. The students can represent their grievances directly or through any other mode of communication to the Coordinator or the grievance committee members. The committee will address the grievance promptly and judiciously. 

           This mechanism creates a pleasant, ambient atmosphere, healthy environment, and disciplined culture to develop the mutual and cordial relationship among the students, faculty, and management. 




The students Grievance redressal committee is formed to maintain a healthy atmosphere among the Students, Faculty, Parents, and Management.

♦️  To create a platform where students can raise any queries regarding academic and non-academic matters.


♦️  The committee helps the students to lodge their grievances and suggestions, based on that the committee to take necessary steps to solve the grievances and consider the suggestions. 


♦️  To keep the dignity of the college by ensuring a conflict-free atmosphere.


♦️  To develop a cordial relationship among the students and faculty. 


♦️  To encourage the students to express their grievances to the committee without fear of being victimized.


♦️  To ensure effective solutions for the students grievances with an impartial and fair approach.


♦️  To advise the students to refrain from stirring students against other students and faculty. 


♦️  To get suggestions from the students for improvement in all curricular and co-curricular aspects.


♦️  To prohibit the students from indulging in ragging in and outside the institution. Any violation of ragging and disciplinary rules should be brought to the notice of the Principal. Ragging complaints are handled as per the TamilNadu Prohibition of Ragging Act 1997.


♦️  Women complaints of Harassment are handled as per Government rules.


♦️  To received complains about caste based discrimination and appealed to the committee members to handle as per norms.




♦️  Students can lodge the Grievances & Suggestions, directly or indirectly to the Committee.


♦️  Complaints and suggestion boxes are installed at various places in the college campus. 

♦️  The method opted for collecting the grievance  through online and off line mode.

♦️  The students can record the grievance through offline mode through a complaint box that are placed at each block in the college. The students can also record/express his/her grievance through the class tutors or to the department faculty orally.


♦️  The grievance can also expressed in the online mode through the grievance form available in the college website.

♦️  The suggestions relating to improve academic and non academic activities of the college are encouraged.

♦️  The complaints will be handled by the committee members immediately and promptly.

♦️  The committee will review all the suggestions and act according to the rules and regulations in force.

♦️  The Grievance Committee submits the report to the authority about the cases that are handled, solved, and pending that require direction and guidance from the authorities. 

♦️  Encouraging the college students in respect of their rights and dignity to show atmost restraint and patience whenever the occasion arises.

♦️  The Committee will formally review all cases and prepare statistical reports about the number of claims received and report to the Principal for further action.

♦️  Every weekend, Grievance box will be opened  in front of committee members and observers.


♦️  After collecting the Grievance will  appealed to the principal and committee members and  take necessary decisions to settle the grievance.





      The grievance redressal committee collects the grievance from the students through online mode and offline mode. The students are expected to express their grievances by giving it in writing and put the same in the box provided in the college. Also, the students can express their grievances directly to the class tutors either orally or in written. As regards grievance submitted to the tutors, the tutors initially try to resolve it and if not possible, the same will be forwarded to the grievance redressal committee. The committee will review all the grievances received from various sources referred above, and suggest for redressal to the principal. The principal after having long discussion with the members of the committee, take appropriate decision for grievance redressal.





▶️  Click to View Students Grievances Redressal Policy



Committee Members


2022 - 2023   2023 - 2024   2024 - 2025


Minutes of the Meeting


2016 - 2017   2017 - 2018   2018 - 2019   2019 - 2020   2020 - 2021   2021 - 2022   2022 - 2023   2023 - 2024   2024 - 2025




Action Taken Report


2016 - 2017   2017 - 2018   2018 - 2019   2019 - 2020   2020 - 2021




2021 - 2022