♦ To draw a plan for future development of the college in terms of enhancing the infrastructure, class room requirements, facilities to be added etc.
♦ To examine the implementation of plans and monitor for execution of the same.
♦ To evaluate the progress of the work done and to assess the steps to be taken for improvement.
♦ To plan and suggest for introduction of new programmes, new courses and modifications required in the present curriculum.
♦ To examine the scope for improvements in the existing system and suggest for reforms if needed.
♦ To plan for organizing various programmes for faculty development for enhancing their knowledge and skills
♦ To plan for organizing various programmes for student development and to inculcate moral and ethical values in addition to enhancing their knowledge and skills.
♦ To formulate policy and draw an annual plan for curricular and extra-curricular activities for approval of the Governing Body.
The composition of the committee is as follows –
♦ Principal as the Chair Person of the Committee
♦ One of the Directors / Professors as the Coordinator of the Committee
♦ Seven to Nine HODs as Members of the Committee
Committee Members
Minutes of the Meeting